Looking for tutoring support?
We understand that sometimes you need that extra help while you are studying. Regardless of the subject, topic or concept, our experienced tutors have been helping hundreds of students with their homework and exam preparation, all without leaving their couch. With our on-demand online booking service, you can book your virtual tutoring session whenever it suits you. Also, with the tutoring being virtual, you don’t need to worry about travelling to your tutor, you can have your session from anywhere that suits you, all you need is the internet.
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R1,000.00 excl. VAT
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Improve your reading skills.
MindPlay has been proven to improve students’ reading, one grade level, for every 20 hours of active time on the course. This online reading program is self-paced and easy for students to use. Aligned to the Science of Reading, the lessons focus on the skills needed to become a proficient and skilled reader and critical thinking expert.
R625.00 / month for 12 months and a R350.00 sign-up fee
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- 12-month subscription.
- Essential Education’s Pre-GED Bridging Course learning material.
- Mentor guidance throughout your Pre-GED journey.
R2,000.00 / month for 12 months
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- 12 month subscription (R2000 per month).
- Essential Education’s Pre-GED Bridging Course learning material.
- 4 private online lessons (30 minutes) per month with an experienced Pre-GED® Bridging Course tutor.
4 Private online lessons a month
R250.00 excl. VAT
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Do you need a Pre-GED tutor?
- Experienced Pre-GED tutors
- Assistance with all Pre-GED subjects
- Available online, no need to travel
- Book a tutoring time on demand