Looking for tutoring support?
We understand that sometimes you need that extra help while you are studying. Regardless of the subject, topic or concept, our experienced tutors have been helping hundreds of students with their homework and exam preparation, all without leaving their couch. With our on-demand online booking service, you can book your virtual tutoring session whenever it suits you. Also, with the tutoring being virtual, you don’t need to worry about travelling to your tutor, you can have your session from anywhere that suits you, all you need is the internet.
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R599.00 / month for 12 months and a R1,400.00 sign-up fee
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GED Gateway
Personalized and flexible to help you achieve the GED.
Includes:- Essential Education’s GED Academy™ Learning Material
- Finish in a timeframe that best suits you!
- Personalized one-on-one AI Tutoring
- 40 pre-recorded lessons
- Detailed weekly study schedule
- Daily progress monitoring by AI
- 12 months access to all the learning material
- Private on-demand online lessons (additional cost)
- Start Your Free Trial Today
Learnalot offers an intensive 5-week self study GED Math Crash Course specifically designed to help you to pass your GED Math test.
Tailored to help students develop their math confidence, while acquiring the fundamental math skills needed to pass the GED math test effectively.
Pre-recorded Online lessons with an experienced GED Tutor over 5 weeks.
10 Hours of pre-recorded online classroom instruction.
Expert-led pre-recorded online instruction.
A FREE Official GED Ready® Practice Test Voucher.
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R1,150.00 / month for 12 months
Sign up now
- Access to our Essential Education online learning platform
- Weekly online group lessons with an experienced GED® Virtual Tutor
- Personalized one-on-one AI Tutoring
- Small group lessons
- Dedicated study chat group
- Mentor support and advice throughout your GED® journey
- The option to cancel your enrolment any time after three months - no questions asked.
- Start Your Free Trial Today
R130.00 excl. VAT
The only official practice test designed to assess how you will do on the GED® test
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From: R250.00 excl. VAT (or 15 Credits)
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Do you need a GED® tutor?
- Experienced GED® tutors
- Assistance with all GED® subjects
- Available online, no need to travel
- Book a tutoring time on demand